Rail Romanesque Wiki

Suzushiro is the main protagonist of Rail Romanesque and a Raillord for the C1267 locomotive.


Manufactured for the Old Imperial Railways at the Youritsu Factory, she was manufactured as a very standard C12 Raillord and preformed her duties in a very standard but reliable way. Her fate then changed when her C12 68 was picked for YHK's morning drama series. After her masterful act as the drama's main character, she also begun working as a Raillord actress. Suzushiro was asked to run the Raillord summit by Hachiroku as she was busy.


Suzushiro wears a black railroad uniform with gold embellishments, and a black hat. She has long black-green hair and green eyes.


Suzushiro is known for her eloquence and adaptability. She is diligent and can perform any task given to her. She handles tough situations calmly and always tries to find the most logical resolution.

She is overall very positive and pleasant to be around. She brings a sense of togetherness amongst the raillords. This makes her an excellent leader.

When she was manufactured, she was not intended to be anything special, rather she was meant to be basic but reliable. However, she continues to show that her reliability is applicable to anything she does. Her acting skills are even renowned.
